An online university that pioneers a unique education philosophy
Differentiated educational programs that inherited a 70-year long tradition from Kyung Hee University
Since its establishment in 2001, KHCU has inherited the prestigious merits of Kyung Hee University and offers higher education that implies the merit of a future university.
Future university that leads the global community
KHCU pursues a sustainable civilization through strengthening the foundation of a future university, creatively linking on and offline, university and society, regions and the globe.
Best cyber university in Korea
KHCU has been acknowledged by the Ministry of Education as the best cyber university: selected as the best online university in 2007; appointed as one of the schools participating in the “First employment, education later” program; and selected as the best online university in a competency evaluation in 2013.
Fulfilling the social responsibility of universities - ‘Engagement21’
With the cooperation with Korea Hemophilia Foundation(KHF), single-parent families, leukemia patients and multi-cultural welfare centers, KHCU provides ‘Engagement21’, a program that lengthen the accessibility of higher education to the vulnerable social groups by lowering the entrance criteria of university education.
Cyber University with A Global Scale
The most popular university among foreign students
Kyung Hee University has the most foreign students in Korea and was ranked first in 2015 as the most popular university by Chinese students. Kyung Hee Univesity had 3,144 foreign students (2,118 Chinese students) enrolled in 2015.
World-class liberal education programs linked with the Kyung Hee University’s Humanitas College
By providing integrated education programs that include Liberal arts, social, science, KHCU puts emphasis on the importance of ‘Understanding of humanity and society’, ‘Global civil society and encounters’ and ‘Growth in the practical intellectuals seeking community values’
Enhance global capabilities through internationalized program
KHCU provides programs of studying language aboard, overseas visiting tours, etc. Based on international exchange and cooperation with 34 universities and institutes from 13 countries including the United States, Canada, Mexico.
Recognized worldwide ? the Kyung Hee MOOC 2.0
'MOOC 2.0' is to overcome the gap between developed and developing countries, and provide education to citizen around the globe. The model has been receiving worldwide recognition and is becoming the leading model of next generation education.
ES(Eminent Scholar) and IS(International Scholar) System
Through the ES and IS system, KHCU offers lectures conducted by worldrenowned scholars.
Provides the best education infrastructure
Great Flexibility, no time and place limitations
Through a smart learning application, over 97% of the lectures can be accessed online through mobile devices. Students are able to learn whenever and wherever they wish without any limitations.
Largest HD multi-studio in Korea, 100% self-made lectures and programs
KHCU owns the largest HD multi-studios among cyber universities in the country and is capable of producing 100% of its e-learning content.
Best online lectures conducted by world famous professors
Professors and faculty members who earned their degrees from prestigious educational organizations such as Columbia University, Michigan State University, State University of New York, Oxford University, Seoul National University and Kyung Hee University helps extend the educational infrastructure and diversity.
Credits are interchangeable with Kyung Hee University, providing an on-off line integrated education
KHCU provides an educational platform that allows students to attend offline classes in Kyung Hee campus through the credit transferring system.
Wide range of extra curriculums and major-spcialized programs
Students can communicate with alumni and professors through a variety of offline activities such as festivals, athletic meetings, mentoring, club activities, etc. Students can also attend the special lectures, seminars, field practices, etc.
A Cyber University That Offers You A Variety of Benefits
Earning an official bachelor's and master's degree
Authorized as a 4-year university by the Ministry of Education, KHCU offers official online bachelor’s and master’s degree programs.
60% of our enrolled students receive a scholarship
KHCU has different kinds of scholarship systems to fulfill students' needs: scholarships for full-time housewife, office worker, reeducation, farmers, family members of firefighters, military, and police, as well as Kyung Hee alumni to name just a few.
'10,000 Current student', '20,000 Alumni'
The power of KHCU familyBeing the first cyber university in Korea, KHCU has around 10,000 students enrolled currently and about 20,000 alumni. Together it provides a great and strong network for our students.
Mentoring program for freshmen
Juniors and seniors mentors will provide mentoring and consultation to freshmen to make sure they fit in the system well without any difficulties.
Kyung Hee University Hospital benefits
Kyung Hee University Hospitals (Kyung Hee Medical Center, Gangdong Kyung Hee Hospital) will provide 10 ~ 50% discount to Kyung Hee family members(current students, alumni, and other related families).