Studio Visit
Lively and Interactive Video Lectures of Highest Quality
KHCU is proud of its 2.3-acre facility (the largest in South Korea) that consists of six studios, including a virtual studio for creating video lectures. This modern facility is equipped to perform simultaneous lecture recording and editing, producing resources and materials for nearly one hundred subjects and courses in a semester, truly enriching our lecture-content base. The virtual Chroma Key-equipped studio allows for unparallel video production quality, yielding maximum benefits for learning.
High Quality Lecture Contents and Effective Online Services
KHCU is the nation’s only virtual university capable of producing 100% of its e-learning content within the institution. The lectures are created in a virtual studio using 3D technology by its two hundred strong faculty composed of renowned scholars and additional one hundred e-learning specialists. KHCU boasts of having the largest studio in the country that produces diverse programs with their own online support, creating user-friendly e-learning lectures that offer the latest information and knowledge. Also, students can have high educational achievement because they are provided by stable learning support services through remote support program.