Requirements for Graduation
Candidates who have earned over 140 credits and have fulfilled the requirements for general education and major credits.
A. Basic Requirements
1) Students entering as Freshmen
Basic Requirements Liberal Arts Minimum Required Number of Major Credits Total Number of Credits Required(for graduation) Mandatory Elctives Primary Major Secondary Major Minor Single Major English/Applie PC Use (or Intermediate Applied PC Use /Information Society & Ethics/Creation of 21st Century Culture 12 credits and over 3 credits an over in each o the four areas o linguistics/ general/natural science/social science for tota of 18 credit and ove 63 140 and over Single Major + Minor 54 and over 21 and over Multiple Majors 54 and over 36 -
2) Transferred Students
Basic Requirements Liberal Arts Minimum Required Number of Major Credits Total Number of Credits Required(for graduation) Mandatory Elctives Primary Major Secondary Major Minor Primary Major English/Applie PC Use (or Intermediate Applied PC Use /Information Society & Ethics/Creation of 21st Century Culture 12 credits and over Total of 1 credits and ove regardless o the disciplines 63 and over 140 and over Primary Major + Minor 54 and over 21 and over pines 54 and over 36
B. Mandatory Liberal Arts Courses
- 1) English/Applied PC Use (or Intermediate Applied PC Use) /Information Society & Ethics/Creation of 21st Century Culture
- 2) Students with other computer certificates or with scores above a certain level on English tests may be exempt from computer or English subjects under mandatory general education courses after passing a review process.
Note: While the required subjects are waived, they will not be accredited. Therefore, the candidate must earn other credits to make up for the exempted credits and have the required 140 credits for graduation.